Monday, July 27, 2009

life should be about something more important

tsk tsk, people don't appreciate other people's opinion anymore. *shaking head*. It's a free country, a free world, so my opinion is free to be told :S Stupidos. And it's over unimportant matter too. Why is it that people care more about these so called idols more than things that actually matered you know? I write bad things about Taylor Hicks and I got bashed, I mean... Hello! The thing was like in 2005 and it doesn't even matter if I like him or not (I DON'T, not one bit... I dispise him) and then people calling me stupid and I should grow a brain. Hmm... maybe if they grow brains themselves, they should care about the environment more.

That's the thing I don't get from people.

Why do they bash others like that? Okay this is like completely out of my own posts being bash, cos please that doesn't matter anyway, I don't really care. But I watched videos on youtube and people like to bash a lot don't they? Especially if other people like things different than them. Or at least just by having an opinion! It's like... that's SO WRONG. God created humans with brains and hearts so they can feel and think---> meaning they have their own opinion on things. So why is it that something as simple as writing our opinion on youtube causing us to get bash?

I really don't get it.

I mean, it's one thing if it were racist comments or rude with sexual contents, THAT I understand completely.

But hey, I don't know, people nowadays are just weird. Hey, I'm weird too, so we're just the same. Though as I recall I never bash people. I think. I'm pretty open-minded. I'm REALLY open-minded, or so have I been told. Then again, I'm not gonna get big-headed.

But you know, people are different. So if I hurt anyone, sorry. But no disrespect, people who bash... you're weird. :D

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