Tuesday, June 16, 2009

how do you mend a broken heart?

as if my vacation couldn't get any worst... Lucas Scott really is leaving Tree Hill. *baaawwwwwlllll!* Oh, bummer, that's like my favorite show ever! I bid you adieu my first & forever tv crush. Awwe... I really am bummed you know! I got through 8th grade with the help of L.Scott (okay, lebay, ga sgitunya juga sih, ya sedikit laah, I imagined him as si... hm hm). Now he's gone... *sigh* It's a guarantee that I will never ever watch the show again as I watched only because of Luke. Argh, why god, why?!?!?!?! *bbbaaaawwwwwlll (once more)* But the ending of sixth season is good.

Anyway... how DO you mend a broken heart? How do you pick up the pieces and put them back together? How can someone sees that person you really love with someone else and be okay? I questioned myself, how could they, other people, be so calm. Doesn't it hurts? Doesn't it stings? Doesn't it makes you want to spill your gut out? Doesn't it makes you wanna scream? And yet, they were so calm. They smiled. How do people mend their broken heart? Why DO they do that? It's a mystery to me...

*I was just wondering

5 Shibbies:

Fika Rahimah said...

Some people say the way to mend a broken heart is to break another one hahaha it's rude. The only way to mend a broken heart is to let it go kei

KEISHA said...

iya sih, palingan itu :S

Fika Rahimah said...

Ya, there's no other way sih kei kayaknya

KEISHA said...

I am heart broken huhu

Fika Rahimah said...

hm? loh why kei? tell mehhh

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